Proven Winners Perennial Plant Picks

Proven Winners Perennial Plant Picks

Now that is a tongue twister. Proven winners has become and icon in American gardening, with the help of several influencers. And because the plants are as good as they say, we sell them. A lot of them. And because many of our customers want to know what plants to pick, I am going to […]

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Showy Sedum – October Plant of the Month

Showy Sedum – October Plant of the Month

Showy sedum is our September Plant of the Month for 2023. Also known as live forever, orpine, tall sedum, and butterfly stonecrop; it is one of the best late summer and fall perennials for pollinators. If you have not planted this perennial then you cannot imagine the amount of insects it attracts. Easy to grow […]

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Blooms For Butterflies

Blooms For Butterflies

It is late summer and butterflies are beginning their descent to more suitable wintering sites. Many butterflies move northward in the spring from overwintering sites and then the following generations return southward in the fall. Some of these species include Monarchs, Painted Lady’s, Sulphurs, Question Marks, Buckeyes, and Skippers. As these butterflies migrate southward, it […]

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Xeri-Pot Containers

Xeri-Pot Containers

The Xeri-Pot was a creation of mine during the summer of 2012 when the weather proved to be extremely dry and hot. It was so hot that the nights did not cool down, and often roasted plantings overnight. Annual plantings wilted and dried up quickly, providing for the opportunity to create something that could live […]

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