Bluestem Grasses – October Plant of the Month
Bluestem grasses are our 2024 October plant of the month. What do I mean by bluestem grasses? Well, there are 2 species that are generally considered when talking about bluestem grasses. These are Little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) and Big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii). This can get confusing when someone asks for bluestem grasses. You have to […]
Lobelia – September Plant of the Month
Perennial lobelia is our September plant of the month for 2024. These native perennials are some of my favorite flowering plants for the wetland or bog garden. They also make great rain garden plants. Here in the Central Great Plains, there are 4 native species of lobelia, 2 of which can be successfully grown in […]
False Sunflower – August Plant of the Month
False sunflower is our August Plant of the Month for 2024. Also known as ox-eye sunflower, this native perennial has become quite popular in the garden. With recent breeding work in favor of more colorful cultivars, there is a plant for everyone. False sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides) is native east of the Rocky Mountains and is […]
Honeyberry – May Plant of the Month
Honeyberry is our 2024 May Plant of the Month. But what is a honeyberry? Also know as fly honeysuckle and haskaps, honeyberries are small, cigar shaped fruits which grow in colder climates where other berries do not thrive as much. The honeyberry is native to the boreal forests of Japan, Russia, and North America. In […]
Showy Sedum – October Plant of the Month
Showy sedum is our September Plant of the Month for 2023. Also known as live forever, orpine, tall sedum, and butterfly stonecrop; it is one of the best late summer and fall perennials for pollinators. If you have not planted this perennial then you cannot imagine the amount of insects it attracts. Easy to grow […]
Helenium – August Plant of the Month
Helenium, also known as sneezeweed and Helen’s flower, is our August Plant of the Month. It can be difficult to find a plant of the month for August, because a lot of plants are either finishing up blooming, or not starting to bloom yet. But the sneezeweeds are going strong, and blooming well. There are […]
Dianthus – May Plant of the Month
Dianthus is our May Plant of the Month for 2023. Also known as cottage pinks, cheddar pinks, carnation, sweet William, and maiden pinks. Here in Northeast Kansas, just dianthus for most of them. True, carnations and Sweet William are different species than the pinks. The dianthus we want are the short, groundcover type of pinks. […]
Pasque Flower – March Plant of the Month
Pasque flower is our first Plant of the Month for 2023. A new year and a new set of plant of the month species. It can be very difficult to find suitable plants for our early months, especially for March. There just is not much blooming, anywhere. However, I can always count on my pasque […]
Goldenrods – October Plant of the Month
Goldenrods are the October Plant of the Month for 2022. One of the most recognized fall flowers, goldenrods are native across the entire United States. Despite its wide distribution, it is often blamed for the allergies associated with hay fever, which is caused by ragweed, not goldenrod. However, that blame is starting to disappear as […]