Strange Insects in the Garden

Strange Insects in the Garden

I am sure you have seen some of them, strange insects in the garden, right? Sometimes the most easily explanations come from the weirdest things. And God created some very strange insects. I spend a lot of time outdoors; in the woods, along the lakes and streams, and especially in the garden. And I have […]

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Wasps – Friend or Foe?

Wasps – Friend or Foe?

Wasps are often regarded as the terror of the landscape. Now that summer has officially arrived, and the 4th of July is over, gardeners are spending less time outdoors, and more time resting. But when they are outdoors, they do not want to be bothered by wasps. However, this is also the time when our […]

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Flying Flowers and More

Flying Flowers and More

But what are flying flowers? When I was growing up, I used to love poring over the photos in Birds & Blooms Magazine, which I read at my Grandma’s house. In the magazine, they had a section called flying flowers, which were photos of butterflies. I learned a lot about butterflies and gardening that way. […]

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Top 5 Plants for Pollinators – September

Top 5 Plants for Pollinators – September

September is here and right around the bend is autumn. September is a month after my own heart, with my birthday and my siblings’ birthdays. We always had a huge party for the three of us, usually on Labor Day weekend. Summer was waning, but their was still a feel of excitement in the air […]

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