Fall Blooming Flowers

Fall Blooming Flowers

When we think of fall, flowers are not the typical idea. Leaves turning colors are what most of thinks about. But there are a number of fall blooming flowers which can certainly add depth and color to the garden. Why talk about it in July though? Because if we are to have fall blooming flowers, […]

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Goldenrods – October Plant of the Month

Goldenrods – October Plant of the Month

Goldenrods are the October Plant of the Month for 2022. One of the most recognized fall flowers, goldenrods are native across the entire United States. Despite its wide distribution, it is often blamed for the allergies associated with hay fever, which is caused by ragweed, not goldenrod. However, that blame is starting to disappear as […]

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Planting for Pollinators – August and September

Planting for Pollinators – August and September

We gardeners do not typically think as much about flowers for pollinators in late summer. Once August hits, its time to be a lazy gardener, resting in the hammock or taking the family on vacation. But the insects never get to take a break. They are always working. Therefore, we need to remember to plant […]

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Top 5 Plants for Pollinators – September

Top 5 Plants for Pollinators – September

September is here and right around the bend is autumn. September is a month after my own heart, with my birthday and my siblings’ birthdays. We always had a huge party for the three of us, usually on Labor Day weekend. Summer was waning, but their was still a feel of excitement in the air […]

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