Shrubs for Birds – Andrew’s Top 10
Planting shrubs for birds is about as much fun as moth hunting, for me anyways. I do not know what I love more, plants or insects, but they both provide me with a lot of joy. And the fact that I get birds to come for both is a bonus. But what shrubs are best […]
Plants for Winter Interest in the Garden
Now that winter is finally upon us, I like to look at my garden and think about the future. Right now, the snow is settled over the landscape, and I can see what looks good in it. Plants for winter interest are definitely needed. But we also want plants with multiple season interest. If we […]
Plant of the Week: American Bittersweet
American bittersweet is our Plant of the Week for the last week of September. This woody, native vine is a valuable plant for wildlife and for home decorators. Bittersweet is native east of the Rocky Mountains, throughout the United States and Canada. It is not the fastest grower, putting on at a rate of 4 […]
Prepping for Feathered Friends
As winter looms in the background, many of us gardeners who have cleaned our landscapes of wilted hostas, frozen daylilies, and dead annuals look forward to the influx of feathered friends that come to our landscapes in winter in search of food, water, and a safe place to spend the cold months. If you live […]
Using Berries in the Landscape
As autumn leaves begin to litter our yards with colorful tones, the bright berries of fruits and shrubs shine among the leafless branches. Using berries in our yards provides for both us and wildlife. Besides the fruit, many berry bushes have alternate interest in their flowers, bark, and fall color. Using berries in limited numbers […]