Plants for Winter Interest in the Garden
Now that winter is finally upon us, I like to look at my garden and think about the future. Right now, the snow is settled over the landscape, and I can see what looks good in it. Plants for winter interest are definitely needed. But we also want plants with multiple season interest. If we […]
Prepping for Feathered Friends
As winter looms in the background, many of us gardeners who have cleaned our landscapes of wilted hostas, frozen daylilies, and dead annuals look forward to the influx of feathered friends that come to our landscapes in winter in search of food, water, and a safe place to spend the cold months. If you live […]
‘Twas the Night Before Snowfall
‘Twas the night before snowfall, when all through Grimm’s Gardens, Not a plant was stirring, not even a grass. The trucks were parked and washed with care, In hopes that a blizzard would soon be there. The employees were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of ice melt, danced in their heads. […]
Bold Water Designs
I struggle to sit still some days while browsing through water feature examples. I just get so excited that I want to go out and build each and every one! Combinations of water and fire excite me, and then images of frozen water features send me into awe. Some natural water features make me wish […]
Garden Planning Guide February, March & April
Winter time is the best time to plan and prepare for next year’s gardens. We at Grimm’s Gardens are busy with ideas and preparations for the upcoming spring season. From now until March 1st, we will receive many calls and emails from customers wanting to know if they can plant something, when to plant, do […]
What Stays, What Goes: Pruning Technique
Do you have a young tree, just a few years planted in your yard? Maybe you have a medium sized tree that is rubbing against your house and making creepy sounds. If you have either, you probably need to prune. The question is, “Where do I start??” To begin: First you need to inspect your […]
Being a tree person leads to many different obsessions – fall color, fruit, shade, and bark. I first heard the term barkophile, not an actual word but very real, used at a conference in Iowa last winter. It has been used to describe arborists and landscapers who seek out trees for their bark characteristics. Everything […]
Plants that Look Great with Snow
#1 Interesting Bark Bark is less noticeable in the summer because it is covered by trees. Winter is the time where plants like this river birch shine! #2 Red Berries #3 Boulders #4 Low Branching Trees and #5 Perennial Seed Heads #6 Evergreens #7 Interesting Shapes […]