Dwarf Burning Bush
General Information
The Dwarf Burning Bush is similar to the standard Burning Bush. Its smaller size and finer texture make it ideal for smaller areas of the landscape. Habit is bush and compact. Inconspicuous, yellow green flowers emerge in spring. Bark has minimal corky ridges of the species . The brilliant red fall color makes the Dwarf Burning Bush a popular shrub. Achieves best color when planted in full sun. Among the best in the Midwest. The Dwarf Burning Bush is a very versatile shrub. Its fall foliage is outstanding! It will provide eye-catching color for your fall landscape. It can be used as a specimen shrub or accent plant. Plant in mass for a stunning border or hedge. Excellent for a foundation planting. Plant in mass for an attractive screen.
Additional Information
Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’ grows best in Full Sun. Full sun will help the Burning Bush achieve its most brilliant coloring. It will grow 4-6′ tall with a similar spread. Plant in zones 4 to 8. Will tolerate Black Walnut. Attracts birds.
Care & Shipping Notes
Plant in average, well drained soil. Will tolerate a variety of soil types, including clay. Trim in early spring. The Dwarf Burning Bush will tolerate a hard pruning if necessary. It can be pruned at any time during the season since it does not produce blooms. No serious insect or disease problems. Fertilize with Tree & Shrub fertilizer in fall, spring fertilizing is optional. NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN THESE US STATES AND TERRITORIES: AK, HI, GM, PR, VI. Also, WE NO LONGER SHIP TO CALIFORNIA due to Department of Ag restrictions on live plants.
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