Edible Plants You Didn’t Know You Had

Edible Plants You Didn’t Know You Had

In this time of uncertainty, and the worry over possible food shortages, people are gardening more and more. In you own already landscaped yard, have you wondered what plants might be edible? There are a variety of edible plants you didn’t know you had, already growing in almost every landscape. Learning what plants grow in […]

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Flowers for the Kitchen Garden

Flowers for the Kitchen Garden

Kitchen gardens are usually referred to as vegetable gardens. I prefer to call mine the potager garden. Potager is the French word for kitchen garden. This is where you would grow vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers for use in cooking. Why add flowers? But why should I add flowers to my vegetable garden? Because, adding […]

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What Will Grow Near a Black Walnut Tree?

Black Walnut trees are wonderful if you are a cabinet maker, eat the walnuts, or leave them as forage for wildlife, or use the husks to make a colorfast dye.  But if you are a gardener, they provide a challenge, to say the least. A toxic chemical, juglone, diffuses from the roots into the soil, […]

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