Soft Landings – Protecting Pollinators With Plants

Soft Landings – Protecting Pollinators With Plants

What are soft landings? When I first came across this term at a native plant conference in winter of 2024, I had no idea what it was. And now, I see that I have been using soft landings most of my career, without even planning for it. Soft landings are plant filled places under key […]

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Birds are for the Bugs!

Birds are for the Bugs!

That first sweet bite of peach in the hot July sun, off of your own tree in your own yard, makes you wonder about the truly good things in life. For my family and I it was about a move 3 years ago to where we are now, bringing a plethora of landscape plants and […]

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Diversifying for Pollinators

Diversifying for Pollinators

It is very interesting how insects, birds, and plants can coexist naturally and amazingly, without killing each other off the planet entirely. Insects are around us, literally everywhere. While I can generally identify some 50 species of insects or more, there are another 200 lurking in my backyard I have no idea about, and another […]

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