How to Create a Pollinator Paradise
How exactly does one create a pollinator paradise? The answer may surprise you. When my wife and I moved into our 5 acre property 10 years ago, it was not my intention to create a pollinator paradise. I just wanted gardens, native plantings, and a place to raise my kids. At the time, we did […]
True Bugs – Exploring the Garden
Next up in our Exploring the Garden Series, is true bugs. True bugs are in the Order Hemiptera, and are identified by having piercing-sucking mouthparts. Unlike other insects, true bugs have their abdomen and thorax joined together. With more than 38,000 species worldwide, there are many which are pests in the home and garden. But, […]
Controlling Squash Bugs in the Garden
When summer gardening time comes around, my most frequently heard question is: What can I do about squash bugs? Well, let us take a look into the problem and find a solution that will work for most home gardeners. What do we need to know about squash bugs? As we delve into the problem of […]
Birds are for the Bugs!
That first sweet bite of peach in the hot July sun, off of your own tree in your own yard, makes you wonder about the truly good things in life. For my family and I it was about a move 3 years ago to where we are now, bringing a plethora of landscape plants and […]