Yarrow for Your Garden

Yarrow is a wonderful addition to any garden. With all the new varieties available, it is not difficult to find one that suits you. Many of the older varieties are nice too. Yarrow is a perennial plant with great foliage texture and blooms that are favored by many pollinators. Because the blooms that we see are made up of many, smaller flowers in a panicled arrangement, it is easy for pollinators to travel from flower to flower to gather nectar.

‘Moonshine’ Yarrow foliage is a great textural advantage to the garden

Even when not if flower, yarrow foliage is a nice textural advantage to the garden. Mix it well with other perennials and annuals in full sun, well-drained soils. The foliage of yarrow is soft, either feathery or broad. It can be silver-green, bright green, or dark green, depending on species. Yarrow grows in clumps that spread slowly outward via rhizomes. Be sure to give them some room to grow, most varieties grow between 2 and 4 feet wide. 

‘Paprika’ Yarrow has been around for a number of years.

Choosing a variety is as easy as picking your favorite color. They come in shades of red, yellow, orange, pink, white, purple, lavender, and multicolored such as pink/lavender, red with yellow eyes, or mixed colors. A good standard variety is ‘Paprika’, red flowers with soft green foliage. Another great old favorite is ‘Moonshine’ yarrow, with gray-green foliage and yellow flowers is really puts on a show for the garden.

‘Moonshine’ Yarrow has an explosion of summer blooms. If deadheaded, it will keep blooming through fall

Try some yarrow in your garden today!


Happy planting!

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