Inkheart Daylily
General Information
Inkheart Daylily is a great perennial plant. It is perfect for a variety of landscaping areas. Daylilies have added utility in being capable of handling difficult conditions like sidewalk salt and black walnut trees. The plant forms as a nice clump of foliage, with flowers held above. The leaves are long, narrow and arching. They are deep green in color, keeping a nice appearance through the growing season. Large cream colored flowers, with a dark purple center eye. Reblooming flower, from mid to late summer. Great for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.
Additional Information
Hemerocallis ‘Inkheart’ grows to a height of 24 to 28 inches, with a spread of 18 to 24 inches. It is recommended for USDA climate zones 3 to 9. Inkheart tends to do best in full sunlight. It does well with average amounts of moisture in well drained soils.
Shipping Notes
NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN THESE US STATES AND TERRITORIES: AK, HI, GM, PR, VI. Due to department of agriculture regulations, we cannot ship to California.
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