Invasive Pests Update 2025
Invasive pests are among us, but hopefully not yet in our area. But they are coming. Be ready! We have been fairly blessed so far in the Central Great Plains Region to not have too many invasive pests. However, there is no barrier to stop them from coming sooner or later. So we need to […]
Three Diseases found in 2014
What a year this has been! With some of the coldest recorded winter days, a very wet spring and fall, and an exceptionally cool summer; we have seen a record amount of diseases popping up in landscapes across northeast Kansas and southeast Nebraska. Typically, my consulting covers scorching, chemical drift, and wilting on trees and […]
Weed Files: Poison Hemlock
This biennial forb was introduced from Europe. It grows 3 to 10 feet tall and has white flowers resembling carrot. The leaves are ferny, and can often be confused with Queen Anne’s lace and wild carrot. All parts of the plant are poisonous. It should be removed from garden beds and any remaining roots […]
Genista Broom Moth Caterpillar on Blue False Indigo
Friend or Foe? Today we identified a caterpillar on our Baptisia or Blue False Indigo plants. This cute critter is known as a Genista Broom Month. It gets its name from the Broom Plant, Genista, in which it feeds. It is native to the United States and is prominent in the Southern U.S. In some […]