Shrubby Plant Picks – Proven Winners
Now that 2025 is here, we need to talk more about Proven Winners shrubby plant picks. Yes, I said shrubby. Proven Winners has been working on their shrub line for a while now, and we love them! It is nice to be able to find plants that work in a host of ways within the […]
Low Maintenance Shrubs – Deciduous
When it comes to choosing low maintenance shrubs for the landscape, what do you look for? Many of our favorite shrubs actually need a yearly haircut, though they do not need to be sheared. Plants such as hydrangea, ninebark, rose of Sharon, lilac, and beautyberry need to be pruned to produce better flower displays. But […]
Superb Shrubs: Ninebarks
Ninebarks have long been one of my favorite shrubs and I know they will become yours too. They come in a wide array of colors and sizes, and there is one for nearly every corner of your garden. In the past decade there has been a lot of breeding and releases of new ninebarks to […]
Kansas Gardener’s Garden June-July
Here is the second part to the garden tour. enjoy the photos and comments! Above you can see my driveway Border Garden. I had to put in this fence to keep visitors from parking too close to the edge of the drop off where the culvert it. I added some of my favorite rustic […]
Sumacs for the Landscape
Sumacs are one of the more under used native shrubs in our landscape. If you want shrubs aglow with colors of fire and sunsets, then sumacs are the plants for you. You have seen them along the highways in the fall, oranges and reds in large masses dotting the hills of the prairie and un-mown […]