Guide to Picking a Shade Tree – Deciduous Trees
Picking shade trees for your home landscape can be a challenging process. I have seen countless questions on this subject in my first 10 years at Grimm’s Gardens. Now, as a horticulturalist and tree expert, I get the happy job of helping others find the perfect tree for their yard. Most people have a moderate […]
Plant of the Week: Seven Son Tree
This week’s Plant of the Week is the Seven Son Tree. This tree is a native of China. It is a very versatile tree for your landscape. Here at Grimm’s, we have both shrub form and tree form in this small tree. The tree itself grows 10 to 20 feet tall and wide. It can […]
Plant of the Week: Baldcypress ‘Shawnee Brave’
This week’s Plant of the Week is the Baldcypress ‘Shawnee Brave’. ‘Shawnee Brave’ is a fast growing tree that is adaptable to a wide range of conditions, from wet spots to well-drained. It grows best in full sun but can handle some shade when it is young. Plant baldcypress where you have a standing water […]