Proven Winners Annual Flowers
When it comes to annual flowers, Proven Winners is ahead of the game. Even though they are not the only name on the market, they have upped everyone else’s quality by competition. In other words, becuase they do so well, it makes everyone else better. In the past, I was not as fond of annual […]
2023 Year In Review
Another year has come and gone. 2023 was a great year for me personally, especially at work. My job overall transformed and I had less back problems because of it. In early 2023, I took over the Nursery Manager position here at Grimm’s Gardens, while still heading the Landscape Maintenance department, and doing tree consultations. […]
Star Annuals for the Central Great Plains
What are star annuals? Many years ago, Kansas State University developed their Prairie Star List, a list of Annuals for the state of Kansas. However, this list is no longer being presented, as the main testing location for annual flowers has been shut down due to lack of funding. Several years ago, I started evaluating […]
2020 Year in Review – Annual Color
Each year I love doing annual color plantings more and more. In the past, I used to hate annuals, but I have learned how much of an impact and statement they can make. With our ever-changing weather patterns, it can be difficult to choose annuals that will withstand heat, drought, flooding, and cool spells. However, […]
Year in Review: Annual Color
Every year, I review the annual color performance to help decide what plants to plant next year at all my commercial and residential locations. This year was a tough one for annuals; we had winter that stayed around until nearly May, torrential rains of over 25 inches in May, another 20 inches of rain in […]
Artful Additions
Using statuary and art in your garden can make it pop in the off months and seem more worldly in the rest. Many gardeners add there own bit of whimsy as they go along, whether it be a colorful glass bottle tower, a single concrete or stone statue, or a magical fountain. Art in the […]
Year in Review – Annual Color Program
What a year this has been! We have had a lot of ups and downs with the weather, and a long dry spell through the summer. The annuals we put in have had to be tough and most of them looked awesome through summer and late fall. I did not get very many photos of […]