Common Milkweed
General Information
Common Milkweed is a native to North America and is one of the easiest and fastest to establish of the Milkweeds. Planting these can provide personal satisfaction while helping counter increasing threats to our Monarch butterfly population. It’s stems and leaves exude a white milky sap if cut or crushed, which is a common characteristic of the milkweed species. The large flower can vary in the color range from nearly white to deep pink-purple. The fragrance is very delicate and pleasing and numerous native pollinators will benefit from its long bloom time.
Additional Information
Common Milkweed ‘Asclepias syriaca’, will bloom from June to August. Seedlings do not flower until the second year. The milkweed will mature to 3′ tall and are thin, summer bloomers. Seed pods that resemble small cucumbers succeed the flowers, the pods in turn burst open in late summer to early fall, exposing their seeds. Milkweed plants grow as wildflowers in fields and along roadsides in Eastern North America. Typically grows in zone 3-9.
Care & Shipping Notes
Common Milkweed grows best in full sunlight or light shade. Does well in rich sandy or gravelly loam soils that are well drained. NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN THESE US STATES AND TERRITORIES: AK, HI, GM, PR, VI. Also, WE NO LONGER SHIP TO CALIFORNIA due to Department of Ag restrictions on live plants.
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