Blue Zinger sedge is our Plant of the Week for the first week of April. This groundcover perennial is a great addition to the garden, for its texture and style.
Sedges are one of the most common grass-like plants in North America. In any given, un-managed landscape or lawn, I could find at least 12 species of sedges mixed in. In my own yard in Northeast Kansas, I have discovered that many. Carex flacca ‘Blue Zinger’ is actually native to Mediterranean areas along North Africa. But it does very well here in the Midwest and Great Plains.
This sedge grows 1 foot tall and wide in spreading clumps. The leaves, which are “v” shaped to a triangular base, are blue-green in color. The whole plant has a soft, fine-textured appearance.
Blue Zinger grows in full sun to part shade and is very easy to maintain. I like to just give it a haircut in the spring by chopping off the top 4 to 6 inches with my soil knife. While there are flowers and seedheads, they are not showy.
This sedge is tough and has no pest problems or diseases. While deer do sometimes browse on different sedges, they do not like Blue Zinger for is glaucous foliage.
I love the way Blue Zinger feels and looks in my landscape. It gives rocky beds a softening look without the heavy maintenance of other groundcovers – Andrew Mitchell, Landscape Maintenance Supervisor at Grimm’s Gardens
You can find sedges at our garden center in Nebraska City or outside of Hiawatha, KS. Or shop in our online garden store.
Happy Planting!