Planning an Awesome! Autumn Display
Autumn is fast coming around the corner. I am already seeing the stages of autumn forming in the landscape around us, with goldenrods, asters, and other native plants beginning their fall displays. Now that I have a little down time, I am beginning my planning for my fall displays. I usually put together 8 in-ground […]
Top 5 Plants for Pollinators – September
September is here and right around the bend is autumn. September is a month after my own heart, with my birthday and my siblings’ birthdays. We always had a huge party for the three of us, usually on Labor Day weekend. Summer was waning, but their was still a feel of excitement in the air […]
Blooms For Butterflies
It is late summer and butterflies are beginning their descent to more suitable wintering sites. Many butterflies move northward in the spring from overwintering sites and then the following generations return southward in the fall. Some of these species include Monarchs, Painted Lady’s, Sulphurs, Question Marks, Buckeyes, and Skippers. As these butterflies migrate southward, it […]
Prairie Plantings: Improving your Quality of Life
There something so simple and calming about the prairie. Growing up in north central Kansas, I knew too well the heat and drought of the plains states. Even in the shade of the wooded creek bottoms near our house, it was sultry and hot. Later, when I lived in Manhattan, KS, a quiet walk on […]
March is the beginning of the garden year for most of us. True, some of us do start even earlier (I begin my garden cleanup in February). March is when trees begin to bloom and other unique things happen outside around us. It is when we first hear our spring peepers (which are frogs) […]