Attracting Hummingbirds to the Garden
Attracting hummingbirds is one of nearly every gardener’s dream. We all want these brightly colored, quick-moving birds flitting about in our gardens. Watching them sparring over mates and territory in the summer is as fascinating as watching the sunset in the Flint Hills of Kansas. But how do we attract hummingbirds to the garden? Can […]
September Tips for the Garden
September is here and fall is right around the corner. It almost time to get the garden ready for winter – but not yet! September to me was a time of birthday parties, picnics before school, and the last summer vacation. What needs done in September first? Remove spent and over-grown annuals from the landscape […]
April Gardening Tips
Tips and Tricks to Make Your Year Great – April Apply and water in pre-emergent herbicide on turf Apply pre-emergent herbicide granules to rocked landscape beds Divide hostas, daylilies, sedum, phlox, coreopsis, daisies, and red hot poker and share with your gardening friends! (Tip: Iris should be divided in July; peonies should be done in […]
Garden Planning Guide February, March & April
Winter time is the best time to plan and prepare for next year’s gardens. We at Grimm’s Gardens are busy with ideas and preparations for the upcoming spring season. From now until March 1st, we will receive many calls and emails from customers wanting to know if they can plant something, when to plant, do […]