Native Bees

Native Bees

As the winter turns into February, I begin to really long for spring. And the native bees are the first pollinators to arrive. On dandelions, toothwort, dicentra, and other early spring wildflowers, I see native bees. There are around 4,000 native bees in the United States and about 400 in Kansas. And it may be […]

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Garden Tour- 2023 at the Kansas Gardener’s

Garden Tour- 2023 at the Kansas Gardener’s

It is that time of year again! I really do enjoy sharing my love of gardening each season with all of you. And I love sharing my garden. So much so that this year I offered live garden tours. Of course, the first day I had to settle for a live video tour instead of […]

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100 Sunny Cottage Garden Perennials

100 Sunny Cottage Garden Perennials

How many perennials do you need for the cottage garden? Well, that really depends on your layout, design, and the size of land you are working with. I have a small backyard garden area, roughly 15 feet by 30 feet, in which I have around 70 species of perennials, shrubs, and grasses. And this is […]

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Pollinator Pockets

Pollinator Pockets

What are pollinator pockets? Well, there is no official term for it, but pollinator pockets are small pieces of garden just for pollinators. It could be any size, but by my definition, it would be no larger than a 10 foot by 10 foot bed. However, the possibilities of a pollinator pocket are not small, […]

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Tough Trees for the Urban Canopy

Tough Trees for the Urban Canopy

Why do we need tough trees? What challenges do we face in the urban canopy toady that requires specific planning for canopy diversity? Trees are our best choice for the fight against air pollution, poor air quality, heat islands, and climate manipulation. When we have trees in our landscapes, parks, and streetways, our overall health, […]

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The Importance of Bark

The Importance of Bark

Bark is of one of my favorite attributes of trees. Yes, leaves and flowers are more important to landscapers and homeowners, and even insects. But bark is not only important for overwintering insects, it is also important as a means of identification, as well as protective cover for the tree. And bark changes so much […]

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Dark Leaves – Adding Depth to the Garden

Dark Leaves – Adding Depth to the Garden

Putting dark leaves in the garden not only adds depth, but also intrigue, and if done right, mystery. Plants with dark leaves are rare in nature, but abound in the nursery trade, after being bred and selected for generations. I love using dark leaves in the garden, more so than chartreuse or variegated leaves. But […]

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Drought Tolerant Plants – Learning From 2022

Drought Tolerant Plants – Learning From 2022

Drought in 2022 has been very tough on a lot of gardeners, not just those in Kansas and Nebraska. However, a lot of good has also come from the drought and heat. We have learned a lot about our landscapes, and just how tough our plants can be. Besides drought, we have also had extensive […]

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Favorite Natives (And Nativars) of the Author’s Garden

Favorite Natives (And Nativars) of the Author’s Garden

How many favorite natives can you have? I have been gardening for more than 30 years, and adding natives into my gardens from the very beginning. At my parent’s home in North Central Kansas, I recognized several natives which made their way into my container gardens, and eventually into the landscaping I did for my […]

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