Flying Flowers and More

Flying Flowers and More

But what are flying flowers? When I was growing up, I used to love poring over the photos in Birds & Blooms Magazine, which I read at my Grandma’s house. In the magazine, they had a section called flying flowers, which were photos of butterflies. I learned a lot about butterflies and gardening that way. […]

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How To Attract Insect Pollinators to Your Garden

How To Attract Insect Pollinators to Your Garden

Welcome to the new year! Last season was one of the busiest gardening seasons for many across the country, with many new gardeners. With all those new gardeners, came a plethora of questions about a wide range of gardening topics. I am going to kick off the new year with one of the most important […]

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Creating A Fruit Tree Guild to Improve Biodiversity

Creating A Fruit Tree Guild to Improve Biodiversity

When I was first approached to write on this subject, earlier in 2020, I admit, I really had no idea what a fruit tree guild was. However, once I looked into it, I discovered that I was aware of the concept, if not the actual idea. I have been planting my gardens for maximum biodiversity […]

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