Blunt Mountain Mint – 2025 Perennial Plant of the Year

Blunt Mountain Mint – 2025 Perennial Plant of the Year

It is not even the new year and already we have a perennial plant of the year. The Perennial Plant Association has named blunt mountain mint as the one to go get. And we carry it here at Grimm’s Gardens! Blunt mountain mint, also known as clustered or short-toothed mountain mint, is one of 19 […]

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How to Create a Pollinator Paradise

How to Create a Pollinator Paradise

How exactly does one create a pollinator paradise? The answer may surprise you. When my wife and I moved into our 5 acre property 10 years ago, it was not my intention to create a pollinator paradise. I just wanted gardens, native plantings, and a place to raise my kids. At the time, we did […]

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Attracting Beneficial Insects to the Garden

Attracting Beneficial Insects to the Garden

What are beneficial insects? Well, I can think of many of them. But I have had a lot of experience. When I think about my garden, whether it is the kitchen garden or the cottage garden, I know that there will be problems. These problems stem from insect pests, fungi, and other organisms. But if […]

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Lobelia – September Plant of the Month

Lobelia – September Plant of the Month

Perennial lobelia is our September plant of the month for 2024. These native perennials are some of my favorite flowering plants for the wetland or bog garden. They also make great rain garden plants. Here in the Central Great Plains, there are 4 native species of lobelia, 2 of which can be successfully grown in […]

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Flies in the Garden – Friend or Foe

Flies in the Garden – Friend or Foe

Flies can be one of the more annoying pests in the house. But there a lot of flies who have beneficial roles in the garden. Some are great pollinators, rivalling bees and beetles, while others are predators of a host of garden pests. The common bottle flies, house flies, stable flies, and smaller fruit flies […]

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Fall Blooming Flowers

Fall Blooming Flowers

When we think of fall, flowers are not the typical idea. Leaves turning colors are what most of thinks about. But there are a number of fall blooming flowers which can certainly add depth and color to the garden. Why talk about it in July though? Because if we are to have fall blooming flowers, […]

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Agastache – July Plant of the Month

Agastache – July Plant of the Month

Agastache is our July Plant of the Month for 2024. Also known as hummingbird mint, anise hyssop, and hyssop, agastache is a great native perennial for many areas of the garden. It is native to North America with around 17 species. A member of the Mint Family, there are 2 species commonly found in the […]

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Coreopsis – June Plant of the Month

Coreopsis – June Plant of the Month

Coreopsis is our June Plant of the Month for 2024. This genus of plants contains 80 some species and dozens of hybrids across North, South, and Central America. The genus Coreopsis is also its common name., although tickseed is another common name for the plant. Over the last few decades, coreopsis has become one of […]

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Butterfly Lovers Buffet Plants

Butterfly Lovers Buffet Plants

Butterfly lovers should plant a variety of plants, from trees and shrubs, to grasses and perennials for butterflies. But what are some of the best plants to attract butterflies, and other pollinators to the garden? How can butterfly lovers plant such a buffet of perennials, grasses, and other plants to attract the widest variety of […]

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