Summer is here and full of baseball and 4-H projects. Among all the hustle and bustle, take some time to ‘smell the roses.’ Or better yet, cut some off and bring them inside to your kitchen table!
I always have fond memories of summer. Summer means so much more than school is out and the kids are home. Summer means ice cream and sunshine; baseball games where you, ‘Root, root, root for the home team;’ eating fresh produce; and working outside.
It is easy to get caught up in all the activities that demand our attention, but it is so important to take time to slow down and enjoy where we are right now. There are so many things to be thankful for: smiles that greet you at your door, perennial flowers in full display and annuals that continue to burst into color, fresh blueberries and blackberries, and special people in your life.
Celebrate the season! Invite your friends and neighbors over to dinner and eat outside on your patio. Later this month, spend family time on the porch in the evening and watch for fireflies and listen to the frogs at a nearby pond. Head to a park and have a picnic, blanket, basket and all or have your morning cup of coffee outside while the temperatures are low, the world is still, not even the birds are awake yet. It is possibly the best time of day to go for a walk or enjoy a bubbling fountain; to watch the sun rising or close your eyes and let your ears and nose take in the senses of the morning!