Tips and Tricks to Make Your Year Great – April
- Apply and water in pre-emergent herbicide on turf
- Apply pre-emergent herbicide granules to rocked landscape beds
- Divide hostas, daylilies, sedum, phlox, coreopsis, daisies, and red hot poker and share with your gardening friends! (Tip: Iris should be divided in July; peonies should be done in fall, after foliage dies)
- Divide ornamental grasses
- Mulch flower beds with a locally available product (cedar, sawdust, compost, pine needles, pine bark, chopped alfalfa, cotton bur, cocoa hulls)
- Fertilize spring flowering bulbs with bonemeal
- Fertilize Endless Summer Hydrangeas with Aluminum Sulfate if you want blue flowers instead of pink
- Fertilize blueberries, azaleas, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, and hollies with Aluminum Sulfate to lower the soil pH
- Make your first trim on boxwood, junipers, arborvitae, holly, and yews after April 15 (or average frost free date in your area)
- Remove tree wrap from all trees (you can add wire cages to prevent rabbit and deer browsing)

- Mulch cole crops, peas, and other vegetable crops already in the garden with straw, aged grass clippings, chopped alfalfa, sawdust, or shredded leaves
- Plant strawberry plants, asparagus, rhubarb, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries, grapes, blueberries, serviceberries, and fruit trees
- Plant a new landscape bed or some trees around your property
- Plant onions, leeks, sweet corn, melons, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, okra, cucumbers, annual flowers, sunflowers, beans, squash, pumpkins, and herbs after last frost free date and when soil temperature is above 55°F
- Take pictures of flowering perennials and bulbs as they grow!
Happy Planting!