Xplosion Caladium – 6.5 Inch Container – Proven Winners Plant

Xplosion Caladium – 6.5 Inch Container – Proven Winners Plant
Xplosion Caladium General Information Xplosion Heart to Heart Caladium is typically an annual plant. It is however, quite adaptable for use as a houseplant. This ‘strap leaf’ caladium will typically grow best if planted outdoors once temperatures remain warmer in your area. The Xplosion Caladium is very ornamental, with full, dense growth and overall mix [...]

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Proven Winners Annual Flowers

Proven Winners Annual Flowers

When it comes to annual flowers, Proven Winners is ahead of the game. Even though they are not the only name on the market, they have upped everyone else’s quality by competition. In other words, becuase they do so well, it makes everyone else better. In the past, I was not as fond of annual […]

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Garden Review – 2022

Garden Review – 2022

It is that time of year again, time for an annual garden review. Each December, I look back on the year to see how annuals, perennials, and more fared during the year’s weather and extreme events. For example, 2021 was the year of wind; we had a tornado and 2 wind events which toppled many […]

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Star Annuals for the Central Great Plains

Star Annuals for the Central Great Plains

What are star annuals? Many years ago, Kansas State University developed their Prairie Star List, a list of Annuals for the state of Kansas. However, this list is no longer being presented, as the main testing location for annual flowers has been shut down due to lack of funding. Several years ago, I started evaluating […]

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