Low Scape Mound Aronia – 2 Gallon Container

Low Scape Mound Aronia – 2 Gallon Container
Low Scape Mound Aronia General Information Low Scape Mound Aronia is an ornamental deciduous shrub.  It is quite small, growing to 2 feet tall and wide.  This mix of size and ornamental appeal make it perfect for a variety of landscaping areas.  The foliage is glossy, and dark green through the spring and summer.  In [...]

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Aronia – April Plant of the Month

Aronia – April Plant of the Month

Aronia is our 2023 April Plant of the Month. One of the most versatile North American native shrubs; there are 3 species, 2 of which are used commercially in the U.S. Besides being a very useful landscape plant, Aronia berries are considered a superfood. I have always loved the multiple season interest of these shrubs, […]

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Low Scape Mound Aronia – 3 Gallon Container

Low Scape Mound Aronia – 3 Gallon Container
Low Scape Mound Aronia General Information Low Scape Mound Aronia is an ornamental deciduous shrub.  It is quite small, growing to 2 feet tall and wide.  This mix of size and ornamental appeal make it perfect for a variety of landscaping areas.  The foliage is glossy, and dark green through the spring and summer.  In [...]

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Galicjanka Aronia Chokeberry – #2 Container

Galicjanka Aronia Chokeberry – #2 Container
Galicjanka Aronia Chokeberry General Information Green foliage turns to a dark red in the fall. This Aronia is very similar to Viking Aronia. Galicjanka is said to ripen more evenly than Viking. Aronias are very high in antioxidants giving them a high nutitional value. Spring brings white blooms and Fall brings ripe, dark berries. Originating in [...]

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McKenzie Aronia Chokeberry – #2 Container

McKenzie Aronia Chokeberry – #2 Container
McKenzie Aronia Chokeberry General Information White blooms appear on the McKenzie Chokeberry in spring time attracting pollinators. Plump, purple berries form in the summer and ripen in September. McKenzie displays a beautiful fall color of reds and oranges. Aronia berries are full of antioxidants giving them a high nutritional value. This hardy shrub has an upright [...]

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Aronia Berry Recipes-The Miracle Fruit

Aronia Berry Recipes-The Miracle Fruit

What do I do with Aronia Berries? (Find Grimm’s Garden’s recipe for freezing peaches!) These berries have a plethora of uses. Consider eating them fresh or frozen.  They make a great summer snack frozen.  Pies, breads, and other baked goods, salad toppings, jams and jellies, salsa, and icecream are all great uses of this berry. […]

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Shrubby Plant Picks – Proven Winners

Shrubby Plant Picks – Proven Winners

Now that 2025 is here, we need to talk more about Proven Winners shrubby plant picks. Yes, I said shrubby. Proven Winners has been working on their shrub line for a while now, and we love them! It is nice to be able to find plants that work in a host of ways within the […]

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Low Maintenance Shrubs – Deciduous

Low Maintenance Shrubs – Deciduous

When it comes to choosing low maintenance shrubs for the landscape, what do you look for? Many of our favorite shrubs actually need a yearly haircut, though they do not need to be sheared. Plants such as hydrangea, ninebark, rose of Sharon, lilac, and beautyberry need to be pruned to produce better flower displays. But […]

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Fall Blooming Flowers

Fall Blooming Flowers

When we think of fall, flowers are not the typical idea. Leaves turning colors are what most of thinks about. But there are a number of fall blooming flowers which can certainly add depth and color to the garden. Why talk about it in July though? Because if we are to have fall blooming flowers, […]

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