Caring for Roses

Caring for Roses

Caring for roses can be tricky, but worth the effort. Roses are the gardener’s flower, and have been since ancient times. They entice us with their fragrance, their aroma, their beauty, and their ability to grow in nearly every corner of the world. Even in the cold regions of Canada you can find wild roses […]

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Pink Double Knockout Rose – 2 Gallon Container

Pink Double Knockout Rose – 2 Gallon Container
Pink Double Knockout Rose General Information Pink Double Knock Out Rose is a wonderful sister of the famous Knockout Rose, but with twice as many petals. Beautiful bubblegum pink blossoms cover the bush from spring to the first hard frost. Continual new blooms push out the spent blooms eliminating the need for deadheading. Petal count = 18 [...]

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Sunny Knockout Rose – 2 Gallon Container

Sunny Knockout Rose – 2 Gallon Container
Sunny Knockout Rose General Information Sunny Knockout Rose is a fast growing rose with fragrant yellow blooms which change to cream as they mature.  This rose puts on a sunny show by blooming continuously from spring to fall.  Looks spectacular in group plantings as a low hedge or as a single specimen. Additional Information Rosa [...]

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Low Maintenance Landscaping

Low Maintenance Landscaping

What is low maintenance landscaping? Every year, I hear about new and old clients who complain about their landscapes. “Its too much work to maintain.” “Do you do landscape maintenance?” And more. A lot of the problems associated with landscaping can be avoided by correct planning up front, to design a low maintenance landscape. But […]

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Underused Plants

Underused Plants

As you spend your time planning for next year, look for underused plants. They come in all shapes and sizes, and many of them can be stars of the garden. I spend a lot of time with such plants, trying them in various places in my gardens. Some are ongoing trials, while others are stars […]

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Fall Blooming Flowers

Fall Blooming Flowers

When we think of fall, flowers are not the typical idea. Leaves turning colors are what most of thinks about. But there are a number of fall blooming flowers which can certainly add depth and color to the garden. Why talk about it in July though? Because if we are to have fall blooming flowers, […]

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Peach Fuzz – The Color of the Year

Peach Fuzz – The Color of the Year

Peach fuzz is the 2024 color of the year, according to Pantone. Each year, Pantone picks a color as a snapshot in time, trying to connect with our emotions and deep-seated feelings. Peach fuzz is a hue not really pink and not quite orange. It captures our desires to nurture kindness, compassion, and connection, all […]

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Edible Plants You Didn’t Know You Had

Edible Plants You Didn’t Know You Had

In this time of uncertainty, and the worry over possible food shortages, people are gardening more and more. In you own already landscaped yard, have you wondered what plants might be edible? There are a variety of edible plants you didn’t know you had, already growing in almost every landscape. Learning what plants grow in […]

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Year in Review: Insect Pests

Year in Review: Insect Pests

2018 was quite the year for insect pests. We saw a huge increase in Japanese beetle numbers, as well as a large population of grasshoppers. Lets discuss these and other insects seen this year.    While my viewing area is limited to Northeast Kansas and Southeast Nebraska, this seems to be a hotbed for insect […]

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